Joe Biden and his far-left handlers are on a mission to destroy our country and make us slaves to their every whim in the same way Chinese citizens are ruled by tyrannical Communists.
That much should be obvious just by the way in which Biden has tanked our oil and gas industry.
By the time President Donald Trump’s 2020 reelection was stolen from him, he had our country energy independent for the first time in decades, thanks to the implementation of policies that greatly expanded our energy sector mostly by lifting strangling regulations, granting drilling permits, and opening up more of America to exploration and production.
He also adopted energy-friendly policies for the future such as approving the Keystone XL pipeline that would have transported hundreds of thousands of barrels per day from Canada to American refineries. And he had a good relationship with OPEC, the most powerful member of which is Saudi Arabia.
Biden canceled that pipeline, put millions of acres of our country off-limits to drilling and exploration, and began cutting the issuing of permits on federal lands. Now, we are energy dependent again and have gone hat in hand to some of our allies (and our enemies like Venezuela) for oil.