Then they’ll write another paragraph, “Why is this important?” And they will tell you why it’s important. And they’ll do another paragraph and say, “Where is it all headed?” And then they will tell you where it’s all headed. Because they figure that their audience is not smart enough to understand paragraph by paragraph what they’re reporting.
Anyway, they’ve got this TV show on HBO and last night Trump appeared on it. I don’t know why. I have no idea why. But the Drive-By Media is now savaging Trump as demonstrating he’s out of touch — it’s about COVID-19 — he doesn’t know what’s going on. They can’t figure out how he thinks, it’s worse than anybody knew. They say Trump was just confused and totally disoriented and telling the host, a guy by the name of Jonathan Swan, that you can’t do that. You can’t interpose numbers like this.
And the guy said, “Why can’t I? I can do whatever I want.” And the guy, the host, figures out how Trump thinks at some point during the — we got sound bites here. We’ll play it for you to give you an idea. But the Drive-By Media is already savaging this as a great living example of how Trump has no idea what’s going on about anything. And I don’t know why he did it. I mean, Axios is not what you would call from the friendly side of the aisle.