New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy (D) used federal COVID relief funds to launch a website for non-binary and transgender Garden State residents, WKXW reported. Separate searches within the Transgender Information Hub website for "COVID," "vaccine," and "American Rescue Plan" conducted by TheBlaze April 15 netted zero results.
"Across the country, the transgender and non-binary community often face barriers to accessing needed services. In New Jersey, we must ensure that we are leading the nation by making a concerted effort to streamline and simplify access to important services, programs, and protection," Gov. Murphy said in a statement celebrating the site's launch.
The TIH's launch on March 31 was meant to coincide with the Transgender Day of Visibility. The TIH remains in beta as a "work in progress" as of April 15.
The website is funded via the American Rescue Plan, according to a statement from Gov. Murphy's office. It is part of a boarder Resident Experience Initiative meant to "improve how New Jersey delivers benefits and services to residents."