Scandal! DeSantis is close to Clarence Thomas!

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  • Source: Hot Air
  • 06/07/2023

The MSM has been looking for ever more evidence that Ron DeSantis is really Rob DeSatan, and they appear to have struck the motherlode of evidence.

DeSantis is a big admirer of Clarence Thomas and gave him a big bear hug after a speech Thomas gave at a Federalist Society event held in Florida.

As we all know, Justice Thomas’ real name is Uncle Thomas and is a famed White supremacist who spends far too much time around White people.

Rob DeSatan–the real name of Florida’s governor–is himself White, proving that he is a nefarious systemic racister determined to excommunicate anybody not Lily-White from polite society.

As you undoubtedly know, the Left and the MSM (I repeat myself) have been running a smear campaign against Thomas for months, doing their best to cancel him because he has become the primary leader of the conservative wing on the Supreme Court.

Thomas is dangerous for multiple reasons: he survived the original hit job placed on him when he was nominated; he is an articulate conservative voice and a leader of the conservative wing of the Court; he has enough seniority to assign the writing of opinions when he is the longest-serving member of the winning side in a case; and he is Black.

Clarence Thomas by is licensed under flickr

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