During his Saturday campaign event in Waco, Texas, on Saturday, Trump argued that DeSantis had little chance of becoming Florida's governor without the former president's endorsement, with Trump breaking into an impersonation of DeSantis allegedly begging him for his support in the state's 2018 Republican primary.
"So, he came, and he really wanted [my endorsement]. I said, ‘You can’t win, can you? How do you – can [you] win?'" Trump said, recalling the alleged conversation with DeSantis. "‘Sir, if you endorse me, I’ll win. Please, please, sir, endorse me,'" Trump continued as he acted out a crying, begging voice.
While similar jabs against political opponents have been a hit with Trump's crowds during past rallies, those in attendance were noticeably more silent as Trump took aim at DeSantis. Though some in the crowd could be heard laughing or clapping as Trump continued to be critical of DeSantis, the reaction of the crowd was much more silent than when Trump went after other targets, such as the mainstream media.