Rep. Boebert Wears ‘Drill Baby Drill’ Outfit To Biden SOTU

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) attended President Joe Biden’s first State of the Union address in a black outfit that said on the back in gold lettering, “Drill Baby Drill.”

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  • Source: Mirror
  • 03/07/2022
Captured Russian soldiers cry as they tell relatives 'I was sent to my death'

The Russian prisoners of war broke down in tears as they told their families back home that they had been 'sent to their deaths' in the invasion, with Ukraine claiming to have killed 6,000 Russians

Intelligence Committee’s Marco Rubio Warns ‘Something Is Off With Putin’

Florida Senator Marco Rubio (R), who serves as vice chair on the Senate Intelligence Committee, warned Friday that “something is off” with Russian President Vladimir Putin, whom Rubio says has become “even more dangerous” than in past years.

Biden Admin Relies on Russia To Finalize Iran Nuclear Deal as Putin Invades Ukraine

Even as Moscow invades Ukraine, the Biden administration is relying on Russia to solidify a revamped nuclear agreement with Iran, a deal that senior Republican foreign policy leaders say will be approved in the coming days without any input from Congress.

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US Government Advises People To Stay Six Feet Apart During Potential Nuclear Attack

The U.S. government has been advising Americans to social distance during a possible nuclear attack, according to a bulletin last updated Feb. 25, 2022.

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  • Source: Fox News
  • 03/01/2022
Biden in Delaware as Putin raises nuclear alert status

President Biden is at his private home in Delaware as the Russian invasion of Ukraine escalates

A Team Of American And British Special Forces Veterans Are Preparing To Join Ukraine’s Fight Against Russia

The 10 NATO-trained war veterans are taking up President Volodymyr Zelensky’s offer for people to join a new unit of foreign fighters for Ukraine.

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  • Source: Forbes
  • 03/01/2022
How Many Times Must Putin Brandish His Nuclear Weapons Before Washington Gets Serious About Missile Defense?

The most important lesson of the Ukraine crisis for U.S. policymakers is what it tells us about Vladimir Putin: he is more dangerous than we realized.

Michael Bloomberg warns Democrats are 'headed for wipeout' in 2022 elections

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How Democratic presidents Clinton, Obama and Biden caused the crisis in Ukraine

Presidents Clinton, Obama and Biden deserve most of the blame for the chaos in Ukraine

10,000 Automatic Rifles Handed Out To Ukraine Citizens In The Last Few Hours

57 Ukrainian Citizens Killed, 169 Wounded, According To Health Minister

Reader letters- Bring back Trump

President Trump wanted to ‘make America great again’ by enacting measures which utilized the potential of our free market, capitalist system, the most prolific in the world.

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  • Source: Fox News
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Former Obama official renews criticism of Biden over worsening inflation crisis

Former Treasury official Steve Rattner previously warned Democrats against aspects of massive spending bills contributing to inflation

White House declares Russian invasion in Ukraine

Russian troops arrived in eastern Ukraine hours after Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that he would recognize the independence of two separatist regions, officials said

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  • Source: Fox News
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