Twice on Monday, CNN White House correspondent Jeremy Diamond insisted the possibility of President Trump giving his Republican nomination acceptance speech at Gettysburg was “controversial” and “notable” seeing as how Trump “has consistently position[ed] himself as a defender of Confederate symbols and monuments to Confederate generals.”
Chris Wallace, host of "Fox News Sunday," grilled House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Sunday, not letting her forget that Democrats are responsible for President Donald Trump taking action to provide Americans with coronavirus-related economic relief.
Becket Adams at the Washington Examiner nailed the current pattern of Biden coverage. His headline: Media offer a glimpse of what journalism will look like under President Biden: Subservient Or in other words, they would turn from mangy junkyard dog to placid purse dog.
U.S. Attorney General William Barr mounted a partisan attack on the Democratic Party in an interview that aired Sunday, claiming the left believes in "tearing down the system" and pursues absolute victory as "a substitute for religion."
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. President Donald Trump said on Thursday he is considering a few venues for his speech formally accepting the Republican nomination for the presidency, including the White House, as both political parties scale back their traditional multi-day conventions amid the coronavirus pandemic.
President Donald Trump on Thursday accused Democrat rival Joe Biden of being "against the Bible," and against religion.
There has been a lot of loose talk from both presidential candidates about rigged or stolen elections of late, and many predict a lengthy legal battle over the presidency.
Former President Barack Obama once again pulled out the race card for political gain, consequences be damned. This time at the funeral of civil rights icon John Lewis, Obama compared President Donald Trump to not one but two racial segregationists, former Birmingham, Alabama, Commissioner of Public Safety Bull Connor and former Alabama Gov. George Wallace. The inconvenient truth that Connor and Wallace were Democrats is, apparently, of no relevance to Obama, his fellow Democrats, or most of the media.
In an all but tacit admission that President Trump’s concerns about mail-in voting had some merit, Tuesday’s NBC Nightly News featured a nearly three-minute-long segment discussing how the absentee ballot system in New York was a disaster. And with no winner declared in a Democratic congressional primary after six weeks, senior investigative and legal correspondent Cynthia McFadden warned that the results for the presidential election could take “at least a week” and a SCOTUS ruling.
President Trump said former deputy attorney general Sally Yates was either “lying or grossly incompetent” hours after she testified in front of a Senate panel over the FBI’s Russia investigation.
RUSH: So, President Trump was a guest on the Axios show on HBO last night. Axios is this Millennial website. They’re the people that do a story and they’ll have the first paragraph, and then they’ll say, “What does it mean?” And then they will tell you what the first paragraph means.
President Trump said he was optimistic that negotiations on Capitol Hill over another massive coronavirus stimulus bill are going well, but added that he wouldn’t hesitate to take executive action if talks come to a stalemate.
Washington (AFP) - President Donald Trump said Tuesday that US generals had told him that the powerful explosions which rocked Beirut appeared to have been caused by a "bomb of some kind."
President Donald Trump weighed in again on a federal appeals court’s decision to overturn the death sentence of Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.
Trump campaign senior adviser Jason Miller on Sunday cleared up a major point of controversy regarding November's presidential election, noted the significance of Joe Biden's running mate, and rejected the notion of the campaign accepting foreign assistance.
President Donald Trump’s job approval hit its highest level in more than five months in Rasmussen’s Daily Presidential Tracking Poll from Friday, reports CNSNews. According to the poll, 50 percent of likely voters approve of Trump, with 39 percent strongly approving. Disapproval was at 48 percent, with 43 percent strongly disapproving.