"She's the real hero in this story, not me ..."
The letter was addressed to “Mr lopez” and signed, “Sincerely, America.”
"I am of the opinion that if you take the time to put the mask on, you should keep the mask on and you should also refrain from blowing in children's faces ..."
"It's an opportunity for them to pretend they're not racist.”
“It’s our country. This is the country that we built.”
“You’re not supposed to criticize Tammy Duckworth in any way because she once served in the military ..."
“It’s a lie from the media, the liberal left.”
"If Ghislaine goes down, she's going to take the whole damn lot of them with her."
"I couldn't believe this is real ... but it is."
"You have a store called Target, you're going to be a target ..."
Is this what justice looks like?
“Read a book. Read ‘White Fragility.’”
"Charlie Daniels just died and this was his last tweet."
“Double standard, anyone?”