Ilhan Omar Is a 'Horrible Woman Who Hates Our Country' -- So Why Do Americans Vote for Her?

Yesterday, while speaking at a Minnesota rally, President Donald Trump inquired as to how Congresswoman Ilhan Omar—“a horrible woman who hates our country” and who “called the Minneapolis police a cancer and said they were rotten to the root”—won in that state’s Democratic primaries last week. Asked an exasperated Trump:

Nancy Pelosi condemns rioting as public sentiment turns against unrest: 'They should be prosecuted'

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) spoke forcefully Thursday against the riots that have been occurring with regularity for nearly four months in cities all over the country, as polling continues to show public sentiment souring on the unrest.

  • by:
  • Source: Newsmax
  • 09/21/2020
Trump Approval Highest Since Impeachment Inquiry Announced

Fifty-three percent of likely voters approve of President Donald Trump’s job performance, according to the Rasmussen Reports daily presidential tracking poll released on Friday.

Young Black voters not excited about Joe Biden-Kamala Harris ticket, analyst says

2020 Democratic running mates Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are not appealing to young African American voters, Fox News political analyst Gianno Caldwell said Monday.

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The Data Clearly Shows That the Dem Panic Not the Pandemic Caused the Excess Death We’ve Suffered: Pt 1, the Official Stats

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Thousands Sign Petition Calling For Nancy Pelosi To Be Prosecuted For ‘COVID Violations’

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9th Circuit Court Sides With Trump on Deportations

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A U.S. appeals court on Monday sided with President Donald Trump over his administration’s decision to end humanitarian protections for hundreds of thousands of immigrants, many of whom have lived in the United States for decades.

Trump campaign returns to economy with 8-figure ad buy, calls it ‘defining issue in this race’

EXCLUSIVE: The Trump campaign is set to release a mid-eight-figure ad buy Tuesday touting the economy during President Trump's first term after a recent emphasis on "law and order" messaging, saying the economy is the "defining issue" of the 2020 presidential race, Fox News has learned.

Marxist BLM protesters occupy Trader Joe's to protest ‘lack of access to grocery stores’ and capitalistic exploitation

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The Most Enthusiastic Voter Is the Trump Voter

RUSH: Cerritos, California, next. This is Kim. Welcome

OOPS: Biden Accidentally Refers To ‘Harris-Biden Administration’

Now it’s official: It’s the Harris-Biden ticket.

Majority of voters say BLM demonstrations are riots — not protests

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Democrats might not accept election results if Trump wins, ‘street battles’ could ensue: Atlantic writer

If you think liberals were upset when Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in 2016, just wait until you see what happens if he also beats Joe Biden, according to The Atlantic.

Trump Says He’s Up For A Four-Hour Debate Moderated By Joe Rogan

Joe Rogan has offered to moderate a four-hour debate between President Trump and Joe Biden.

‘NOW I CAN BE REALLY VICIOUS’: Trump Blasts Biden Over ‘False And Misleading’ Atlantic Ad

President Trump on Saturday ripped Joe Biden for a campaign ad that cites a magazine’s report quoting anonymous sources who claim Trump disparaged dead American soldiers but said there is a silver lining: “Now I can be really vicious.”