He cited Biden’s low approval rating and stalled agenda as reasons the challengers might be coming.
He also added, “deference to Joe is dissipating.”
Former Democratic presidential contender and failed New York City mayoral candidate Andrew Yang says he’s unsure whether President Biden will be their party’s nominee in 2024.
In a post to his website this week, Yang wrote, “for a while” he has been predicting that former President Trump will once again be the GOP candidate for the presidency and that he will once again face off against Biden.
Recently, however, Yang writes that there have been “a few developments that have changed my mind,” about Biden’s ability to win the field again in 2024.
“Joe’s weakness has continued,” wrote Yang, noting Biden’s sinking approval numbers, failure to move signature pieces of legislation, and questionable ability to face off against Donald Trump.
“Deference to Joe is dissipating,” wrote Yang, who added that there appears to be hesitation from a number of significant DNC donors who are contemplating “sitting out the next cycle until they knew what/who they were backing.”