
Pence clashes with CNN anchor on COVID-19 response: Your network ‘was wrong about a lot’

Vice President Mike Pence accused CNN of getting “a lot” wrong in the early stages of the coronavirus during a testy interview on Friday morning.

Trump slams Democrats, says where they see 'darkness' he sees 'American greatness'

President Trump slammed Democrats for hosting the “darkest” Democratic convention this week, saying that where former Vice President Joe Biden “sees American darkness,” he sees “American greatness.”

  • by:
  • Source: Newsmax
  • 08/21/2020
Steve Bannon Calls Indictment 'Political Hit Job'

Former top White House adviser Steve Bannon said he won’t back down on fighting the federal fraud charges filed against him, Right Wing Watch reports.

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  • Source: OANN
  • 08/20/2020
Ballot Drop Boxes Are Latest Battleground In U.S. Election Fight

Welcome to the latest partisan flash point in the U.S. presidential election: the ballot drop box. As U.S. election officials gird for a dramatic expansion of mail voting in the Nov. 3 election, Democrats across the country are promoting drop boxes as a convenient and reliable option for voters who don’t want to entrust their ballots to the U.S. Postal Service.

Democratic National Convention Produces Bump — For President Trump!

As Democrats spit bile and venom at President Trump during their national convention, his numbers are going up, up, up.

Joe Biden Requires Being Led by the Hand—Literally

Let’s not beat around the bush here. Joe Biden is a feeble old man who is probably a year or two from needing to be admitted to a skilled nursing home facility or requiring constant medical supervision. He also has the potential to be elected to lead the most powerful country on the planet.

Democrats' 'Facts' About Postal Service Must be Lost in the Mail

If it is a day of the week that ends in a “y,” you can count on the Democrats to feign outrage about something. The radical left’s current outrage of the day centers around the U.S. Postal Service, but their so-called “facts” must be lost in the mail.

Newt Gingrich: Biden-Harris ticket will collapse between now and election due to these 3 factors

As an observer of conventions and presidential campaigns going back to 1956, I am confident in predicting that this week’s Democratic National Convention will be the high-water mark before the collapse of the Joe Biden-Kamala Harris ticket.

Michelle Obama Has a Raging Case of Trump Derangement Syndrome

So I watched all two hours of the Democratic National Convention last night - primarily so you don’t have to. I consider it an act of public service. And folks, what a bunch of Debbie Downers these Democrats have become.

Time for Moral Pushback

Wheee! It's election time. Let the invective start -- the execrations, the exaggerations and the expostulations. That's what we do in 21st-century politics; we execrate, exaggerate, expostulate. What's the point of the whole business otherwise? Our politicians are here to put bad people in their place -- meaning the people who oppose their own virtuous designs. We didn't, as people and as a nation, used to see things this way, but more and more we seem to, and it alarms.

Trump fires back at Cuomo after coronavirus criticism in DNC speech

President Trump fired back at Andrew Cuomo after the New York governor delivered a blistering Democratic National Convention speech criticizing the White House's response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Trump: The Only Way We Lose The Election Is If The Election Is Rigged

President Donald Trump at a campaign-style event in Oshkosh, Wisconsin on Monday: "So, we have to win the election. We can't play games. Get out and vote."

D.C. Liberals Protest In Person To Oppose Having To Vote In Person…

Irony is dead, and it’s the liberals who killed it. Do the DC protesters not realize how ridiculous it looks to protest IN PERSON against voting IN PERSON. Proof of the left’s lack of self-awareness is in the photos and video below showing a protest in DC yesterday.

FLASHBACK: Thousands of USPS mailboxes removed during Obama-Biden administration

Former President Barack Obama accused President Donald Trump of purposely attempting to sabotage the U.S. Postal Service in an effort to alter the results of the 2020 presidential election.

  • by:
  • Source: Fox News
  • 08/17/2020
Trump narrows gap with Biden, new poll shows

A new national poll released on the eve of the two major political party conventions indicates Democratic challenger Joe Biden with a smaller lead over President Trump than most other live telephone operator surveys show.

Now There's No Denying It: Obama's FBI Spied On Trump... Period

Today's news that former FBI attorney Kevin Clinesmith is expected to plead guilty in the Obamagate/Spygate scandal will be tough news for journalists like Jim Acosta.