President Trump is holding a MAGA rally in Tampa, Florida on Thursday at 1:30 PM EDT and supporters lined up as far as the eye can see hours ahead of the President’s arrival.
Watch as Hunter Biden's ex-business partner talks to Tucker Carlson.
In recent weeks, Joe Biden has made his willingness to “listen to the scientists” a central pillar of his campaign and a major point of contrast between himself and Donald Trump. He has even said that he would shut down the nation’s economy again to stop the coronavirus if scientists recommended it.
This election night, there’s a new statistic that may be the most important number for people trying to figure out whether Donald Trump or Joe Biden won the presidency.
Trick or treat. President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump welcomed costumed kids to the White House on Sunday for the annual Halloween celebration on the South Lawn with a few traditions tweaked as part of new coronavirus precautions.
The Senate Judiciary Committee has voted to advance Amy Coney Barrett’s Supreme Court nomination to the Senate floor. The Senate is expected to vote on Monday, with confirmation seemingly in the bag
President Trump's youngest daughter, Tiffany Trump, will be campaigning for her father in four battleground states, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Minnesota, after keeping a low profile during the 2016 campaign.
Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden’s campaign has hidden an ad featuring a man claiming to be a struggling small business owner who was in reality a wealthy investor.
Conventional wisdom suggests Joe Biden has a massive lead in this election, yet two weeks out, he’s called in his secret weapon, Barack Obama. Biden surrogates point out that Obama is their party’s most effective campaigner and fundraiser. I’m not gonna argue with them on that. After all, he did a heck of a job closing the deal for Hillary Clinton in 2016.
President Donald Trump said that if he is re-elected to a second term in the White House, people may just see a "kinder" and "gentler" version of the president who is more politically correct that he may have been in the past.
There is no shortage of polls or pundits predicting the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. But “outcomes” include more than simply election results. Who is gaming out how America — and the world — will respond? We are.
President Donald Trump is assuring a bumper year for farmers as the Nov. 3 election approaches, with record government subsidies projected to make up more than a third of farm income in 2020.
“We’re fighting for America. We’re fighting for the soul of America … even those people that hate us … we’re fighting for them,” rally organizer and Pennsylvania’s First District People4Trump Political Action Committee’s Jim Worthington said. “Hey, this could be a long day,” Worthington added. “But if it gets us 100 extra votes, 1,000 extra votes, five extra votes … 44,000 votes made the difference last time. Who the hell knows if this doesn’t make the difference this time.” The rally was held in Newtown, Pennsylvania, and an estimated 6,700 vehicles participated on Saturday.
Credit Maya Angelou for this: “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” She could not have been contemplating her own apparent political persuasion some six years after her passing, but in capturing today’s Democrats-Progressives-Lefties, she nailed it.
President Donald Trump was excoriated on social media Sunday after a viral video showed him placing a wad of $20 dollar bills into the collection bucket at a Las Vegas church
President Donald Trump's personal attorney Rudy Giuliani Monday insisted that the details discovered on Hunter Biden's purported laptop point to a "criminal conspiracy by the Bidens to sell out the United States of America."